
John B. Goering


He was a man–one of the finest of men.
He was a gentle parent like the Spring breeze on the cheek of a child.
He was enduring like the cottonwood trees along a Kansas creek.
He was a faith that nurtured his children and his seeds to growth.
He was a counselor and friend that gave hope for the tomorrows of life.
He was a tradition nourished by many years of Mennonite soil. He was a believer in the wisdom of God that guided his life. He was a story teller that made our history become precious. He was challenged by the rainclouds of life but always found
the rainbow.

-Art & Rosie-


This website was suggested at the reunion in 2009 in North Carolina during a meeting of the Council of Cousins and created by Davis, grand-daughter of Herb and Dot. The purpose of the website is to communicate about reunions and other events, and to share our history.

It is a moderated website, in that comments are reviewed prior to posting.  All members of the Goering family are encouraged to provide content and all are invited to be authors.

Content is provided through contributions from all generations. We have included many stories and photographs from the sibling generations and their spouses.  Where-ever possible the original author is credited.  The Goering Gazette (with special thanks to Art and Rosie for editing, reporting, copy managing, etc. & etc.) circa 1989 is republished in these pages. Marcia’s Military & Alternative Service project is also republished on this site.

This site is made possible by financial contributions from family memebers.

Contact: Roberta dot Goering at gmail dot com

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