New Year 1980
This morning I started the one for Ragenia, and in the after noon Boear died. We will miss him. Herb & Dorotheo came was a surprice. They went to Bill’s from here. Today is the 2th of January, was a cloudey day. I am as usuley keep myself ocupied. We had coffee our this Morning — other all about the same, so will get me readey for bad. On the 3 we had 2 Funrals–the Sister and Baoer, in the evening. Deloras whent and took me along. It was at 6:30 in the evening. Today we have a Christen program in the Morning. They showed slides — was verey good — , and at 2:30 Worship, our Chaplen spoke and I injoyed it. Today I received a tap from Toney’s — how they selebrated Christmas and injoyed it — hearing their voices and all.
This is the 6th Feb. We here at Home still working, like always, and then Leonard got me and Dealoras give me a haircut and big supper, and now it is time to get ready to go to bed. O yes, Jim just called and said they have snow and canseld Church for tomorrow. Sunday 6 of Jan. I dident go to Church — had a cold, but we had a good program here and then listened to our Church on the Radio. Was home, then about 5 p.m. Leonard called and told me that Dan J. died, so Walter & Freida and Lenord & Deloras came and we went to see Elva. That was a shock — so unexpected– but the Lord know why and I allways hope the Lord will call me soon but his will be done.
So on Wed 10:30 will be the Funral. Jan 9, and this was a hard day, a long day. There were maney at the Funral and all was very good, but feels so sad, and at the same time one never wishes one back. They are at rest with the Lord and we just laied the Bodey to rest till the resorection day. And so is life, and time goes on and we go one with it, but not without Hope and some day the Lord will call us, and I hope soon. I talked to Elva a couple of time since then. Of course, we all know she is awful lonesome. She said one time, “Know I know what all you experienced.” One doesent know unless he experienced it. This is not the 16th and it isint tow cold and dident have aney snow so far this Winter. There is quite a lot of flue in the Home. So far it is on the 3 flore, and they are cancelling a lot of activitey to keep it from spreding. I am just coming along. Dont know why but my walking is getting slower and harder. Coulding quite make my 6 blocks the last few days, But I am so Thankfull that the Lord has kept me so far. Yes, we Live one day at a time and dont know what tomorrow will bring, But we know that the Lord is with us and will never leav or forsake us so we can rest in him.
This is Tuesday, Jan 22, so 1/2 the Month is in the past and what all has happend. So time goes. I just called Elva a while ago. She is now working. She said it is hard, especley some time, but one has to excpeted and go on; and the Lord gives strengt, but she is glad when some one calls her. It is all about the same out here. It is kind of cold today, so it is best to stay in. Today is the 25th, Sunday. This was a cold week. Had some snow Yesterday– the first snow this year–, enough to cover the ground. I have kept me right here, a bad cold now for a week, so best thing is to stay in. We had Sunday school and I lestened to our Church program, and at 4 p.m. we had what they call Fesper meeting. The Chaplin spoke was good. Then Bill’s came. In the evening Marth called from Denver — all helpes. I would have liked to bin in Church — they had Comunion– but the Lord knew that I coudent bin there, so time goes on. I was wrong, Comunion is this Sunday.
We have cold, a littel snow flures, and cold one day like the other. Today is Kansas Day. Yesterday, we had a pancake dinner at Freidas Chapel. Was nice to have something difrent. Today, Singin at 10:30 a.m., after dinner, play time an I am still trying to make caps. Today is Feb 1, so one month is past and it is to cold for to go out to take a walk and I hope that will change soon. Today is the 8, Friday, we had a big snow. All schools were closed, and even heir much was changed. A lot couldent come, but we got along. Hope this wont last to long. I think we had at least 8″ some places — they said 10″. We played a lot of dommano and that helps to pass the time and keep one aluret.
I still have a cold. One cant get rid of it. This is 14, Valentine Day, and so we had a lot of doing heir. Had a program and a littel lunch. Then Jenes came and bought some Valentine cookies and just while we where eating supper, Esther stopped had some valentine candes, and now I am tired readey for bed. O yes, when Esther came we where eating supper. She gave me the pakage and said we all Love you. They at the tabel said wasent that nice. And now here it is the 19 and we have the Bible Conference here in Church. Started Sunday and I just couldent go yet — will try to go some day. I feel so awful tired. My stumick ulcers are botring me so much. It is 9, and so will get ready for bed. It is awful cold and I have a bad cold now for sometime. I just feel awful bad. This is evening 29. Tomorrow is the first of March. Easter is not so late this year — on the 6 of April — so spring should not be to late. I allways feel so lonesome. Hope the Lord will call me Home soon. It would be so good to go to sleep and wake up to be with the Lord. What a day that will be when we will meet him in the air. So will get readey for bed. So I havent written for some time, this is Wed, March the 12, and had juite a few to come to see me. Sometime I forget to have them to sine there name so I do it after words. I am still about the same. My cold is better. Yesterday I started to go to the Cafiteria for my meals for a change and I think it will be better. Not onley the old faces all the time. They are all verey nice, but all the same.
This is the 18 of March, so will try again to write a few lines. Have maied 27 caps and am working on the 29 now. I like to do that I think it is a lot better than to be with the others. They tell what all they have done, not all but Cornbacker, he dome more than aneybothey els.
The wether not to bad this year. I just cant go places to much nomore. Yesterday in the evening, Bachman took us to the Senear Citizen Meeting, but I just couldent stay to the end, so went home. Well this is the last of March and it is nice out. Will try and go out for a while. I am not doing to well. Cant sleep, have to go to the toilet as much as 6 or 7 times each night. They took my waight today and am done to 186 (and the scale was wrong, 192), was 2 weeks ago about 196. Will go to see the Dr tomorrow, so will see what he thinkes. I hope the Lord will call be Home befor long. Yes, I did see the Dr and waight myself and puled 192. He said my trubel are the stumick ulcers. Well Easter is overwith. Toneys and Paula and Sarah and Elva came in the Morning, so went with them to the Church of Christ, then to Friedas for dinner. I feel better now. Can sleep good. The Dr thought mabe one ulcer erupted that time and maid the trubel. I shudent complane, you Children come quite often. Since Easter, Arthur’s, Lenards, Freidas, and Ester and Alvin all where more than once, and some Grand Children came to see me, and we have so much doinges here all time. I have maied 36 capes till now. Their quite a few here and they dont need them now so will keep them and hope they will come sometime. So time goes.
It is quite some time that I wrote but all is still about the same. Maid a few more capes and am working on one now once in a while. Have quite a few here but they dont need them now. Hope they will come so they can pick the up. I am about the same, and the Lord has keept me so I am still aup and going not so much anymore. A few weeks ago was Mother’s Day, and I think what I was by myself and hat to think a lot of my Dear parents. O what a blessed time it was, and then had to feel so sorrow for you children that you lost your Mother so earley. It is now 48 years that GrandMother died and 44 years that Mother went to be with the Lord, and nobodey will ever know how hard it was, but I would never have called her back. She is with the Lord and still living in my heart, and here I am loning and waiting, but I am in the Lords will. To day was a nice day and then Chaplin took some of us man in there Bus for a ried. We went O cant tell just where all all over Town and out in the country. We injoyed that.
I havent written for some time. Will try some today. This is June 12-1980 and on the 27 it will be year that I am here. The time sure went quite fast. Things are all about the same. We have Exersiz 3 times a week and I think it is good. In this year, maid 42 caps and quite a number of other things, and it keeps me agoing. Am now going to the cafiteria 3 times a day and that is good for me. Sometimes it is quite hard, but I cant give up. It is not to long when I wrote last but things have changed in the last few weeks. I cant no more go down thew the cafiteria. My walking is getting bad. I get so tired out. Had to rest 2 times on each trip, so I quiet. Am eating in the Dining room now. I realy dont feel to bad, but get so tired. Dont know why, but allways am so lonesome. If I go out to take me woking around the block–that was so good, but that is a thing of the passed. I still go out and have to try. Today is Art and Craft, so I feel to go down and try it again at least a littel way. And so I did. Just acros the aley and their where 2 chairs under the tree, so I set awhile. Dident feel to good. Then came 2 Boys and one Girl from Church and we had a wonderful time, Praise the Lord. I dont know why but that maied me feel bether. Gail Decker, Greg Epp, Lowel Epp, and I dont whont to forget Russel was heir yester evening so the day was spent. This was about 2 weeks ago.
Coming next: Janice’s wedding
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