John B. Goering’s memoirs – Chapter 9

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From the second notebook

I kind of feel it wouldent hurt to write some more of my teenaged time. Things come back to me.  When I was about 15, one Sunday afternoon to see Hanrey Goering, my good friend and how it happend that we where so close to each other. It was a Wedding at Andrew Waltner and they had some drinks like wine or wiskey, us usual in them days, and Henrey took some and some older boys chalenged him take a littel more, and he got to much so I took him and got some coffee up on the hayloft in the barn, coverted him with hay so he sleped it off. And we where close friends after that. And one Sunday afternoon, I went to see him, and they had company playing basketball, and there was a girl their. She had a white dress and could she ever hit that ball. She was just a kid. I dident know who she was. He told me she is his cousien, and that was — Jessie, but I dident know that. And so time went on, dident think much that. Then Mrs. Red Jack Krehbiel tried to get me together with her sister Emma. She was a nice girl, but I couldent someone ore thee get to Love her. O, I loved her just as a good friend, and I told her that, but I took her out a lot of time, and I allways asked the Lord to show me the one he had for me and then it happend. On a Funral, I again seen Jessie and something wisprd in my ear that is the one. I dident know who she was for sometime, and I had my good friend Henery to go with me the first time to see her. It was on a Sunday, we went their and where there for supper. Then something happend on the supper table, while we where eating, I tasted something new in the bread, and it was good so I asked what it was, and Mother asked if I like it.  Why of cours, or I wouldent wont to know.  She said it is kimel (or something like it) and (then she said) Jessie said now we dont even have aney other bread. That was my beginning going with Jessie and their was no other Girl. Jessie told me later that her Mother told her that is the one for you and be carful that you don’t loose him. And I dident know that their where so maney jelles and tried all they could to get betwen us. But I found out Ed Flickner was one and he tried agan and againe. So he invited us one Sunday for suppoer — Dave, Jessie and Ben B J and myself. The partey was at Henrey Ratzileff.  Then after supper Jessie came and said Ed asked her to go with him to the partey, then he thinks you will take his Sister, and then you can take me home and he will take his sister. So I asked her, do you think you should go with him, that is your choise. She said because they had us for supper, she should do it, but I wont you to take me Home (well O.K.) so we did and at the partey it was so nice and they played games outside. I and Dave R. Stucky where inside discusing something. Will came and told Jessie her Mother fell in the basement — for her to come home, and Ed grabed her — I will thake you home. Then some one came and told me, so of course, I had to take Ledia home. Then the next morning, Mam asked what happend last night. I said, “Why?” Why you look like it is the end of the World. So I told her and she said, “O, they will try their best.”, and told me the Mrs Flickner first Husband was Jessie’s Mother Brother, so they feel a littel in the Family, and that dident hlep. But Tuesday, the Mailman came. I got the mail and their was a card from Jessie and she said how sorrow she what what happend on Sunday, and her Mam asked to tell me to not wait till Sunday, come this evening. And so I dident waist no time. When I got their, she told me all Ed did.  She had a noshen to slap him. He Kissed and hoged her. Then I said, “What if I wold do that way?” and she said, “I would Love it.” So you can gess what happend. Then I told her all and that brought us closser together. And their was Christ L Stucky on one Wedding at Red Jake Krehbiel. I had Jessie starting for the partey. Someone troed an egg and it hit inside the dash bord and it splattered all over us, so I stoped at Brother Ben place we tried to clean up,but had to give up going to the partey, stried there a while and then took her home, but couldent figer out who it was that thrue that ege, but caped quite. Then one day, Christ L. came to me and apologised. He said he aimed to hit the horse.

And Rudolph Krehbiel was a pil. When Jessie lived with her Sister, that was when her Mam and Dad moved to Elaria, he was just a ragler past. Tried all he could to get batwen us, and even when we were Married. Elva was small. He came over one time and said, “John, your house needs painting.” I dident think much about it.  I am selling paint; it much cheaper (white led) – it was a resibel offer, you mix it yourself and I’ll help you for so much. It was a good deal, so I took it.  So we started. He was to eat dinner and supar with us. To start all whent just fine. He had a small car. Then one evening, he offerd Jessie a ried and she said no unless John goes along. O know, there is just room for one. Then Jessie said that is enough, and went in the house. I followed her and saide to her what wronge. All she said was tomorrow you can make your own meal, get a horse the bugey ready, I’ll go away for the day — did Ruts bother you? I had noticed him going in for a drink a few times. I told her, “You dont need to do that. Why dident you tell me”, “Well, I thought I’ll make it, but he is just a pest, I slept him once, and dont wont to do it again.” I told her, “You wont have to. I’ll pay him off in the morning.” Then she said, “But that work has to be done.” “Yes, it will get done without Ruts.” In the morning when he came, I asked him how much I owed him. He said, “What up?” “You know, and so let’s not talk about it. You know why and this is the best way.” So I paid him off.

So you can see, Jessie was to me a wonder full sweethart and Wife and Mother, and she is still living in my Hart. I often wonder why she had to leave me so erley and I know she is in the Lords hand and free from all this trubels in this world and when I see alll that is happning in the life of some Grand Children, it is sometime hard to exceped, but one has to.  You are all my Grand Children and I Love you all, and am Praying for you all and along come the Grat Grand Children, and they all mean so much to me, and am so thankfull for such a nice Familey, and have maney to Pray for.

Today is such a warm day, Oct. 8. Russel and a Girl with him stoped for a while. Am so glad when some stop in just for a short time. So time goes one day at a time, and it time to read a littel and Pray for you all, then go to rest and it is so good to trust it to the Lord and rest in Him. And some time ago, Janalee came over and Russel and some others come that I apreseate. Arthur Stucky called one day and asked if I couldent come for dinner. Leroy and Betty will come and pick me up on Sunday. I told him sure, and that was a treat.

I havent written for such a longtime and so much as happend in this time as you all know not quite 3 months. Uncle Dave past on, the last one of that Family. His funral was not long ago, and afternoon I went to the Hospital. Had another surgary and got back to the Home on Thursday, Dec. 11.

And so it now the 20, an doing quite well, going to the cafiteria 3 times a day. The Lord is so good to me and I am in his will, but am hoping that he will call me soon. You Children, all Grand and Grate Grand Hildren are all so prashus to me.  Mam Anna left me in 1977, and you all know how hard it was for me. Had to make another change. I am Thankfull for this Home, but am looking and waiting for my eturnal Home, and what a day that will be, to be with the Lord, but as long as the Lord wont me here, I hope and Pray for him to use me in a small way.

And next week is Christmas, and so a Marry Christmas and Happy New Yeat to you all. I hope this is my last Christmas here with you but it is all in his will. But we have the Blessed insurance that he will never leave his own. Thank you Lord for all that. So one day at a time. This is now the day after Christmas and so it wont be long and we will write 1981, another year is past, and so we are one year closer or as we yoused to say to the gole we are looking for. I am looking for the time when the Lord will call me Home, but I know he is with me now. He has promesed never to leave his own.

Next: 1981

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