And now it is 6 January 1981. Christmas is past and so New Year, had a nice Holiday season, and so we are looking forward, the Lords leading in this Year that lies befor us. And so we can still say the Lord will never leave or forsake his own, and the Lord has givin me strangt to be up and about. I had to change some things — cant go down to the carateria 3 times a day, so I have my meals in the dining room, and that is o.k.
Today is Tusday, we have Singalong at 10:30, and play time in the afternoon. Some from the Apartment Home come over so we are quite a groope. I think mabey as a littel stronger and not quite as much pain. Allways Praying for all of you, especley for some that home (problems), and am looking forword to June the 6th Randal Wedding and for all such ocasions.
Yesterday, the 6, we had singalong and I got back there was Arney and Marey waiting for me. Was so glad to see them. Then while I was eating dinner, Mrs Claassen came and told me that I have some companey and she took in the East room and there was Sam Schrag, his Wife, and his Son, Stanley, and his Wife. What a surprise. Today this Morning coffee houar, in the after noon Bend practes, after that I and Agnes are to paly domono with Paulen. She cant go no place. So time goes.
And no it is the 30 of January of 1981. What all happend, I dont know. Was in the Hospital, had another surgrey, got home last Saturday. That take good care of me, change my dressing each day, have a binder around me. They told me for a week, so am hoping it will be off soon. So time goes and am in hope it will soon be better again, but their is so much to be thankfull for. I still have a clear mind and can rest quite well, and I thank the Lord for you all. Well we had a littel snow, not much. They tell me it awful slick out. I know that I wont try to skating. Am looking forward for Spring (Ha).
This is Tusday, the 3 of Feb. Is nice out, of course, cold. The Sun is out bright. We have singalong this morning. I am feeling quite will, allways tired. Was at the Dr yesterday. He said all looks (o.k.) so he will dismiss me for the present. Hope noting else will happen. I told him it looks like my strengt does not improve. He said that will take time. You are doing quite well consider all you went true. So one has to be thankfull the Lord knows what is best for you. So time goes one day at a time.
Today is the 23 of Feb, so this Month is coming to a close. It is so nice out today. I am feeling quite well, but is all the same. One dose gets tired of the same thing over all the time. It is a good thing that you all are so consurned for me. Dan and Grace, Conard and his family where here last Sunday, and this Sat Bills came. I am so glad when you all come, Esther and Alvin came last Sunday. Today we have exersises like allways, and I am finishing one cap and so time goes.
Yes, so time goes and it is good. Lookes like the last time that I tried to write was in Feb, and now it is April, the 4. Time sure goes fast, and a lot of things happend. Had a lot of companey. Walter and Dalla where heir. We had a good time all together and I am so glad when you all stop in, and if it is just for a short time. I still try to keep myself ocupied. Cant do as much aneymore. Have to have more time. Still make some caps. This last week was so excited what all can happen in a short time. I now think of our Prasedent, that was a close call, as protacted as he is, but still what a close call. I am so glad that we are protacted by the Lord, and he will never leav or forsake me. It is so nice out, but I cant walk like I did. I told the nurse about it, and she said, “Dont you know you went true each operation makes one 3 years older, and you are doing very well. We are happey with you.” So time goes one day at a time and one will be the last.
This is April 27, and what all happend. In the Home here some died — Mrs Wealk, so I have a new naber. Jim came kind unexpected, so he was here most of the week, so we went to see Elva on Friday. I got awful tired. Ralf was with us. Had a quite a lot of companey. Jim and myself where at Ester and Alvin, the Frieda called and said I have some companey, so we whent Home and their was John & Grace and Ida. What a surprise! Then later, Walter Stucky and his Wife came. O yes, this is change of time. Have to get used to it.
I dont know when I wrote last. Was sometime ago now. This is June 24 and what all had took place in this time. Ranie wedding and I had quite a number come to see me, and am still going to the carateria 3 times a day. I did eat supper here in dining room, then on evening, they said we have no tray for you. You canseld it a few times so they think you are going to the carateria but we can call for one, but I told them I’ll go down.
So it is now on 27 June. It is 2 years that I am here and what all has happen. Now I am starting the third year, and we are so glad that we know that the Lord is with us. This is Friday and so time goes. I hadent writen for a while.
The is the 11 of July. Had quit a lot of company and had to give us some things. Just cant go like I did, so hat to give up going to the cafiteria 3 times and day, so still will try to go for dinner once a day. I tried to keep going till my Birthday, but just couldent do it, so I just go for dinner. But I dont wont to compane, the Lord helped so long and I thank him for it.
This is now the 7 of August and so much took place. In this time they celebrated my birthday. Am now 92. I dont know why the Lord is keeping me here, but he has some purpos and his will be done. Yes, Wilma and Ann and 4 of Joyes Children where here so had a lot of companey and I am so glad that hey are so nice to me. And so time wont stop, one day at a time.
Today is Monday, the 17. Had some companey in the afternoon. Bernard was here and in the evening, Rose and Simon Schmidt cane, then Walter and Freida. O yes, in the morning, Harrey and Gene stoped befer they left for home. So time dont stop. Today I feel so tired. Dont know what to do. I am looking forword for Larry to come.
I dont know why, but havent writen for some time. Larrys where here. Had a good time with them. And here it is Oct 2. What all took place, dont know. We have nice weather and so time goes.
And this is the 19 of Nov, and what all has happend — hard to tell. Walter and Della where here and we injoyed it all. Had a good gettogether. And now it Nov 19 and there is a few snow flakes falling and next Thursday is Thanksgiving. Will have a get together on Friday, and so time goes, just 5 weeks till Christmas.
And time went so fast, I dident write aneything and now is past Christmas and we had a gettogether on Sat after Christmas. Had a nice time where all where all prasent but 3 Familys — Walter, Larry, and James. I hope we all injoyed it and today the last day of 1981 and I think we have a lot to thank the Lord, no death, some increas by Wedding and Birth, and no bad illnise. I was in the Hospital in Janyary, but the Lord had still cept me. Now we look forward to 1982 and hope the best.
And this is the 19 of 1982. I had a good Christmas. You Children are so nice. I apreshated all and our gettogether was so plesant, and we dident have aney snow, just a trace but cold. I was quite well til now. O a littel cold, and am so glad when one stopes in and if just a short time.
And this is March the 18, and I cant hardley beleve that I dident write all this time, just about 3 months. Everything went about the same. Am so thankfull for you all. The other week, Leonard, Deloras, Arthur and Rose went to Elva and took me along. Was so nice, but so tired. Took me sometime to get over it. Was planing to go tow Denver, but wont be able. It would be to much.
The end
Note: John B. Goering lived another 6 years. He died in 1988.
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